Bishop Sutton Pre-School and Forest Club Newsletter, February 2020
Term three is rolling to a close and what a term it’s been. The children have been swept away on pirate ships (haven’t we had the weather for it?) and thrilled by treasure maps. Now they’re sailing off into half-term week and a well-deserved holiday. Remember that Monday 26 February is an Inset Day and therefore pre-school resumes on Tuesday 27. More adventures await!
Excitingly, this term pre-school joined Bishop Sutton Community Library for the Chew Valley. The little ones have loved the experience of borrowing and returning titles, being read stories in the cosy library setting and, crucially, learning the value of books and imagination. There will be plenty more library visits over the course of the year and beyond – and if you haven’t yet had a chance to pop in, why not give it a try? The library is open at The Link (the Chapel), right next door to pre-school, from 2pm to 4.30pm on Thursdays and 10am to 12pm on Saturdays. Delicious tea, coffee, cake and biscuits are available, as well as free Wi-Fi and good company. Oh, and plenty of fabulous books to suit every taste and age group.
We’ll have our own doors open for the pre-school Open Day on Saturday 21 March between 10am and 12pm. Spread the word! This is a fantastic opportunity for prospective parents to discover the wonderful world created by our vivacious, inventive, encouraging staff, and how much the children benefit from their learning. If you’d like to drop in as an existing parent, and speak to those considering a place, you’d be more than welcome.
On a more somber matter, we hope you will take note of the NHS Coronavirus Public Information poster in our lobby. Please read this notice carefully. Rest assured that pre-school exercises – at this time and every other – the highest level of cleanliness and hygiene to avoid the spread of infection. Find out more about the virus and how to stay safe at gov.uk/coronavirus.
Other literature to be aware of – this time on the parents’ information board above the coat pegs – is our readopted Safeguarding Policy and updated Behaviour Regulation Policy. These policies are regularly reviewed, and amended where necessary, to ensure that pre-school is in line with current advice and recommended practice. Do have a read, and if you’d like any or all of the policies emailed to you to look over at home, please ask one of the staff.
Looking ahead into 2020, we’ll be fundraising again at the fabulous Chew Valley 10K on Sunday 14 June – put it in your diaries! As ever, nearer the time we’ll be asking for your baking – or buying – prowess, as we seek to supply 1500+ slices of cake to hungry runners. If you’d like to volunteer to help on the day, either in setting up or selling refreshments, we’d be most grateful. More details to come!
And if you’re feeling the New Year volunteering spirit, and fancy joining our fun and friendly committee, please speak to one of us or to one of the staff. We’d be absolutely delighted to welcome you on board, in as great or small a capacity as you would like. Being on the committee is a lovely way to make friends, be part of the community and help contribute to the pre-school, now and in the future.
We hope you have a brilliant week off. If your little ones are still looking to learn over the holiday, why not try Numberblocks on CBeebies (available on iPlayer)? Numberblocks is recommended to parents as a fun and effective way to learn Maths in early years. It captures a different approach to understanding numbers than many of us will have grown up with, and is well worth dipping into if you have a moment.
Happy half term!
And best wishes,
Bishop Sutton Pre-School and Forest Club Committee x