Another Pre-School year has drawn to a close and what an unforgettable year it’s been. This time last summer, no one could have predicted the impact a global pandemic would have on our community. While this has brought unprecedented challenges to the Pre-School, it has also shone a light on the very best parts of our organisation. Our staff’s unfaltering dedication, passion, kindness and enthusiasm has continued to create a wonderful environment for the children, in spite of necessary restrictions. We are so proud of the team and admire how readily they have adapted. The children continue to thrive and greatly enjoy their time in the School Room.
But all good things must come to an end, and the Pre-School shut its doors for the summer holidays on Wednesday July 8. Sadly, this year, we weren’t able to host our annual leavers’ celebration, but we want to send a huge ‘Hip-hip-hooray!!!’ to all the children moving on to primary school and wish them every happiness for the future.
We will also need to defer our Annual General Meeting until the autumn and are currently hoping to hold it in September or October. We do hope you will be able to come. The AGM is a very important night in our calendar, where we take stock of the preceding year and look ahead to the next. It’s also where we appoint our new committee.
The committee is an essential part of Pre-School, because without one the Pre-School would not be able to run.
Would you be interested in giving a little of your time and signing up? We promise being on the committee is a lot of fun, and a great way to get involved in village life. Being a member just means joining our meetings with management every couple of months, helping to organise fundraising events (proceeds from which go straight back into the School Room), and getting together every so often for some friendly drinks in the pub! We very much need parents to step forward and volunteer, so if you are interested, please get in touch with any of the staff, or alternatively chairperson Clare Goldsmith on Thank you!
Looking ahead to September, we are planning for a return to normal conditions, and are excited to welcome children both old and new back into Pre-School. Be assured we are keeping a close eye on government advice and will update you if the situation changes.
The end of term feels bittersweet for obvious reasons, but there’s another reason that cannot go unmentioned. Twenty-seven years ago, our beloved Julie Read joined the staff at Pre-School, and in the decades since she has shaped it into the remarkable place it is today. Julie’s infectious sense of fun, her wicked smile, her professionalism, her generosity, her imagination, her playfulness, her commitment to the Pre-School and every child in it, has made her an invaluable leader and friend. So, it’s with huge sadness that we wave goodbye to Julie as she embarks on her retirement adventure. We will miss her more than we can say but know her new chapter will be filled with joy.
Thank you, Julie, for all you have done for countless children over many years. You have given them something money can’t buy: happy memories of their first independent steps in the world. This is a gift that will carry them their whole lives.
So, as Julie prepares to enjoy a relaxing summer (just as soon as this rain takes a break!), we hope that you are able to do the same. To those who are moving on to school, farewell and good luck; and to those returning in September, we look forward to seeing you soon!
With best wishes,
Bishop Sutton Pre-School and Forest Club Committee x